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When we think about kids' wall art, we usually envision baby-appropriate themes such as farm animals or fairies. But wall art is appropriate - and wonderful - for older kids too. In fact, some designs are great even for school-age kids. Great examples are our Fab Flower Theme and our Polka Dot theme.
There are many reasons you might want to decorate an older child's room. Maybe you've just moved to a new house, or perhaps he has moved to a room of his own. Or maybe it's simply time to redo the room now that she's not a baby anymore.
Whatever the reason, decorating an older child's room, whether she's in preschool or elementary school, is a very different experience than decorating a baby or a toddler room. The main difference: Your child is now old enough to care! And you should respect that.
"Respect" doesn't mean of course that your child can make this decision all by herself. After all, this is your house, your budget and you are the one who will have to do the actual painting (although your child can certainly help!)
But it IS important to listen to your child and respect his wishes as much as you can. Sit down together, search the Web for wall mural stencils, and try to find something that you both like. If he has a strong preference when it comes to the design or to the color, do your best to accommodate his wishes. After all, it IS his room (even if the room is in your house).
When the stencils arrive, if your child is old enough, let her help! She would love to, and helping you paint her room, being part of the process, will not just be exciting for her, but will also give her an amazing sense of accomplishment and, when the room is ready, will make her so very proud of her beautiful room.