Sports on the Move in Transportation Themed Bedroom for Cooper

by Michael Goins on December 12, 2014

 Personalized Plane Wall Stencil

Earlier in the year, Brad wrote to us about his wonderful experience using our train and car themed wall stencils to create a mural for son Cooper, age 2. For this transportation vehicle loving boy only a special mural would do. We love it when imagination takes over and our stencils or wall stickers are just the jumping off point for creativity in the room mural. Brad and his wife Natalie enjoyed adding custom touches easily to the wall stencils which allowed them to combine their love of sports with the transportation themed stencils. This transportation themed room was created a little at a time over 2 months and the results are quite wonderful!

The couple chose our Transportation Themed Wall Mural Kit because Cooper loves cars and trains. Brad didn’t know what he wanted exactly but after doing an internet search for wall stencils he found our train and plane themed stencils and was sold. Cooper also loves to paint and though he wasn’t quite ready to pick up the brush and help yet, he had a lot of fun in the room pretending to help mom and dad. They took their time working on the mural here and there over a couple months and when it was finished, Cooper was very pleased. Brad told us that being 2, having all the new cars and trucks and planes on the walls helped Cooper with his vocabulary. It was very fun when he learned to say “helicopter”.

Wanting to be able to go “over the top”, Brad decided on our self-adhesive wall stencils to create his son’s wall mural. That way he could use the stencils several times over in the room to achieve the look he wanted. He tells us that he was pretty comfortable with the project and confident about his abilities. When it came to painting, he just played it by ear but advises to dab with the sponge paint brush, not use brush strokes as he found out on his first attempt. Brad also found our how-to videos helpful.

When working on the mural, Brad tried to personalize it to their family as much as possible. Cooper’s name appears on the banner of one of the airplanes. Dad had to do this himself as it was before we had personalized stencils available. But Brad’s favorite parts are the bridge for the train near Cooper’s bed and the shout outs to their favorite sports teams around the room.

Sports Blimp Wall StencilThe Michigan couple are sports enthusiasts and Brad wanted to incorporate that into Cooper’s wall mural by adding their favorite team logos into the design. There is a Red Wings hot air balloon, a Tigers hot air balloon, a Michigan State blimp, a Lions rocket ship, a Pistons airplane, and a U of M helicopter. He tells us they are Michigan State fans, hence the reason for the giant green and white blimp with the giant State logo in it. Natalie’s parents are University of Michigan fans, so they have a pretty fun rivalry. Not wanting to leave the grandparents or their favorite team out, Brad used a tiny helicopter to display a block letter “M” for their U-M Wolverines. How fun is that?

We love the way this room turned out and hope that Cooper is still enjoying is trains, planes and automobiles! Wall stencils are a great tool to create a special wall mural without having to be an artist or pay for an artist’s services. Check out the Transportation Themed Wall Stencils and our many other themed kits and individual stencils today to create your next masterpiece.

Train Wall MuralCar and Train Themed Kids Wall Mural
Rocket Ship Stencil for MuralsTrain Themed Boys Room

Blog post written by Tara